In keeping with our mission of Vets Helping Vets, we do a lot for both individual Veterans in the community, as well as helping support Veteran Care Facilities and other Veteran Organizations. Here are some of the things we’ve been privileged to get to do lately. Text is copied from facebook posting. You can also see what we do on our public Facebook page at or by clicking the facebook logo on the menu.
October 7, 2023
Our Warrior Ride delivered $1,000 in jackets, hats and gloves for Veteran residents of Tahlequah and Claremore Veteran Centers.
Sept 9, 2023
We had our 3rd Annual 9/11 Honor Run. Around 150 participants and raised right at $11,000.
July 15, 2023
We were able to assist a Barttlesville Veteran who was at risk of losing home and car. 10-2 made a $2k donation and Chapter members also passed the hat to assist.
July 1, 2023
We were able, thanks to generous donations and support, donate $500 to Eagle Ops and $500 to the 279th Infantry Family support to assist families of recently deployed OK NG troops. We also put together a school supply drive for the 279th families. While the ride ended up rained out, a lot of school supplies were donated for the children.
June 29, 2023
We were contacted regarding a Veteran in Owasso who was in a motorcycle accident. His injuries severely limited his mobility. We reached out to our supporters through our Facebook page, and in 12 hours we were offered 6 mobility scooters. We picked one of them up, installed new batteries and delivered it to him to use until he is recovered from his injuries. Thank you to our great supporters for making this possible!

June 15, 2023
Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association 10-2 Tulsa along with Soldier’s Wish, Eagle Ops and Aire serv of south Tulsa, complete another successful mission and help get another Veteran heat and air!!!
See news article here
May 31, 2023
We were honored to escort a recently identified WWII veteran home after 80 years in an unknown grave in the Phillipines.
See news article here
May 29, 2023
10-2 partnered with American Legion Post 15 in Muskogee to have the Annual Memorial Day ride. Approximately 170 bikes and a few cars participated.
See news article here
March 30, 2023
10-2 Announces it’s first “Pay it Forward” Scholarship. 10-2 and 10-2 Auxiliary have teamed up to offer a $1,000 scholarship opportunity. See more at
March 25, 2023
Today we got to be a part of a great mission to honor a young soldier who died in Syria.
“Spc. Etienne J. Murphy
Died May 26, 2017 Serving During Operation Inherent Resolve
Spc. Etienne J. Murphy, 22, of Loganville, Georgia, died May 26, in Al-Hasakah, Syria, of injuries sustained during a vehicle rollover related incident.”
An artist in Independence, KS, painted the portrait of Spc. Murphy, then our local chapter there got it to our Wichita Chapter.
They coordinated a pony express style relay to get the portrait to his parents in Atlanta, GA.
This morning we met the Wichita chapter to get the portrait and delivered to our Ft Smith chapter. It will continue through Mississipi, Alabama and then to Georgia.
It is truly amazing to see people across a thousand miles come together to accomplish a mission. Very few know each other personally, but we all have a common bond, being part of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association.

March 21, 2023
We were recently contact by one of our members who does heat and air. He informed us of a situation with an elderly veteran with no heat and air. Soldiers Wish and Eagle Ops were partnering with AirServ of South Tulsa to replace his unit.
10-2 was only able to donate $500 due to limited funds, but chapter members passed the hat and raised another $470 to make our total donation $970.
This was made possible wholly by those who donate and support us.

December 11, 2022
10-2 Participated in the annual ABATE Toy Run. Camera messed up so no pics from it.
December 10, 2022
10-2 Christmas Party

December 3, 2022
Today’s Chili Cook-off was a success! Our Auxiliary raised over $1,400.
Congrats to Lucky and Jen on the winning chili!
Thank you to the Town Pump for hosting and helping with the event, and for donating $.25 per beer sold.
We had close to 50 Combat Vet members attend the event, including 5 that came up from Lawton to show support.
Great job Auxiliary!

November 11, 2022
Today 10-2 participated in the 2022 Tulsa Veterans Day Parade. Proud to be a part.

October 11, 2022
We were able to help one of our own members who was struggling during a job transition. We were able to donate $500 to help him with utilities and rent.
October 8, 2022
Our yard sale at Ray’s Speakeasy was a lot of fun. We raised over $1k that will go to help local area Veterans in need.
October 1, 2022
Our Annual Warrior Ride to deliver cool and cold weather clothing to Tahlequah and Claremore Vet Centers.

September 11, 2022
We held our 2nd Annual 9/11 Honor Run. Close to $12k was raised to help local Veterans in need.
September 1st, 2022
We were contacted about 2 different situations. Both disabled Vets, one between jobs and another battling some legit VA pay issues. Votes were approved to help both Veterans, one with $300 and the other with $500.
July 20th, 2022
(From our FB post)Word is spreading about what we are doing to help local Veterans. Yesterday we were contacted by an employee at the VA. He had a 74 year old Vet in his office that was seeking assistance with a couple of expenses he was struggling with. It wasn’t much, around $140. Our officers quickly voted to help him out and our XO called and paid the bills directly for him.
If you know a Veteran in a crisis, let us know and we can help if possible, or we can direct them to the proper resources. All help is contingent on availability of funds, which solely come from our 2 annual fundraising efforts and donations.
July 11th, 2022
Vets Helping Vets!
A few weeks ago one of our members was contacted by an employee. He said he had a Veteran friend, JT, who was in Orlando for school and had a serious motorcycle accident, leaving him in a coma. Our member shared this info with one of our officers, who then got in touch with the Orlando Chapter.
They were able to make contact at the hospital and speak with JT’s wife and parents.
Their wish was to get him to family home area in Western Arkansas, but medical transport was upward of $7,000.
An idea was presented that each Chapter from OK, AR and FL donate at least $100, which would get them close.
All 3 state chapters, along with others, came together to raise enough to pay for transport, and some to give the family to help them through these troubling times.
Another awesome thing is that he did open his eyes while our FL members were speaking with him.
He is now home in Arkansas and the family is able to have some relief by being closer to home through this.
Proud to be a member of such an amazing association of brothers and sisters!
#CVFFCV #vetshelpingvets
July 5th, 2022

June 21st, 2022

(Face blurred for privacy)
April 21st, 2022

“Thank you so very much, I can breathe! God Bless you all!” – Michael Walker
April 2nd, 2022
10-2 held our Meet and Greet at the American Legion Post 1. Click here to see news footage and interview from KJRH
Feb 20th, 2022

She is attending school to try and better herself. Life happened and she got behind and was facing some bills being shut off. This included her gas and her internet service she uses for school, both within days of disconnect.
We were able to assist her with a $500 check to get caught up so she could focus on moving forward and getting her education.
(Face covered for privacy)”
Dec 17th, 2021

This is possible because of those that support us.
Thank you all.
Face is covered for privacy of this individual”
Dec 15th, 2021

Often times, just like civilian facilities, these veterans have little, or no, family to visit and do things like this. The Vet Center let us know which ones needed gifts and our members responded.
Thank you to everyone who helped out!”
Dec 12th, 2021

We are proud to have been a part of it”
November 19th, 2021

Thanks to all who made this possible.”
Oct 9th, 2021

Because of my lung issues I haven’t been able to sleep flat in quite a while. I’ve dealt with the VA trying to get an adjustable bed, which they offered a hospital bed. I’ve slept in a recliner for over a year, so the goal was just as much to sleep with the wife and the hospital bed didn’t do that.
Today we were going on a Poker Run and Dirty and Jukebox said they would meet at my place and roll from here. They showed up and, after a little talking, Dirty tells me the chapter voted to donate me and the wife a dual side adjustable bed.
My wife broke down crying, although I’m not sure if she was excited we get to sleep together again or crying BECAUSE we had to sleep together again. Lol
I think some onion cutting ninjas found their way in to my pocket, because my eyes leaked a little too. We never asked them for this nor expected it, so it was a big shock.
This will really be an improvement on sleep, on my marriage and on life in general. I do not know how to properly express my gratitude to my fellow CVMA Chapter brothers and sisters. A thank you seems so miniscule compared to the blessing this represents.
Thank you everyone. I am proud and blessed to be allowed to be a part of such a great organization and brotherhood.
October 2nd, 2021

Along with items donated by members and others, 10-2 donated $500 for clothing to each center.
Like most that we do, it is made possible because of our supporters. Thank you!”
September 24, 2021

Thank you to all those who support us for making this possible!”
Sep 21st, 2021

We presented it to them today.
These Veterans that reside at the center are very excited to have this coming. Many have little to no family visits, especially with COVID restrictions, so the brotherhood/sisterhood within is all they have. Now they will have a place to watch movies, sporting events and more!
We will share pictures when they get it mounted up and going.
Thanks to everyone who makes things like this possible”